My first front-end project! A landing page built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Launch projectI used what I'd learnt on my first SheCodes course to redesign my website for London tours. It was designed using HTML and CSS with Bootstrap and has a responsive design for different devices.
Launch projectThis app shows 7 day forecasts for searchable locations around the world. I built this project with HTML, CSS and vanilla JavaScript using OpenWeatherMap API.
Launch projectI recreated my orginal weather project using React, as part of my SheCodes React course. This version is also responsive.
Launch projectA searchable dictionary app built using React and two APIs with a responsive design.
Launch projectThis multi-page website you are currently viewing showcases my coding projects. I built it as part of the SheCodes Responsive course. It was made with HTML and CSS, using Flexbox and Bootstrap to create a responsive design for mobile and other devices.
Learn more
Games- To build on the Javascript and React knowledge I gained from my course, I am working through a series of challenges to build my own simple versions of videogames, starting with Tetris (in progress), one of my favourite games.
Redux- I am working on building a to-do list app with Redux and using state management tools to improve the functionality of my weather app. See my simple Redux colour picker here.